Best MOM


>Painted by Grandma Brunner.
She really was the best ever. At least most of her children believe it is true. She raised five wonderful kids all by herself. She did hire a maid occasionally to help around the house. But, for such a small house it wasn’t totally necessary, except don’t forget about the five little hell-yea’ns. They weren’t the nicest little children which adds proof that she was the best ever.
She owned a small little house on the south side of Memphis with three bedrooms. Since there were four boys and one girl in the litter someone had to sleep with mama. Well, that had to be the little girl. Imagine sleeping with your child until they aren’t a child anymore. That is a burden on both of them; assumingly.
Then there was the baby. Spoiled, yes. It was the biggest burden of all. Constantly crying and begging for more attention. Always changing diapers after a hard day at the office. She deserves some sort of medal or something. She used to clean his ears with a “Bobby pin” before they invented the cotton swab.
She used to arrange to go to bakeries and get the leftover bread and bring it to homeless shelters. Some referred to her as the bread lady.
The unusual thing was after having five kids her husband left her high and dry. It couldn’t have been because of that fifth one. It must have been that overwhelming urge to raise cattle. Wait, they won’t listen to you either.

Being the twin and oldest of nine siblings she really knew how to raise kids. She had a special technique of discipline. She would make you cut your own switch for misbehaving. Cutting your own switch? That must have been frightening. If you didn’t learn from that you had to be really hard headed.
Imagine that times five. Perhaps she should be a saint.

Published by Daniel Shea

I am a happily married knucklehead. Born in Chicago and raised in Memphis and Prairie du Chien Wis. I wish someone would benefit from my ideas. And I wish I didn't get so many spams. #niceday

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