An ear for all colors

…listen up-

>Color me deaf.
Prejudice is mostly based on one’s vision. If you see someone of a pigment not of your own you immediately start analyzing this person’s whole life. Listen up; eighty percent of the time you are wrong (#fakenews).
Imagine a little white boy growing up on the south side of Memphis. Being bussed to four different schools while growing up can influence a kid to either understand or dislike people of a different color. It’s called prejudice. As it turns out a kid can become friends with others of a different color. There could also be an influence from other means. The little boy’s best friend and neighbor is half Philippine and half light. But, other people thought they were brothers because one was half light and the other had a dark tan.
What if the same kid came from a broken home and had to go to a little town in Wisconsin every summer of which probably only had one or two colored families. People of color didn’t matter. The only prejudice in this little town was as if one was very heavy or really skinny. Maybe if one was an alcoholic there could be gossip.

People love spreading rumors about others, picking on them, harassing and bullying. Why, because they are of a different color. It doesn’t have to be of a drastic color or can it be just a little different.  There are many shades of grey. Gray really? People are referred to as black or white. That needs to stop. If that were true wouldn’t children of a couple, one black and one white end up gray. But, no, the children are a blend of tan.

The last president of the United States is referred to as the first black president. That is rude. With all due respect. Though it is a step in the right direction for people of a somewhat darker color. Why call someone black if they are half and half. Where do you stop? Are you colored if you are one part dark and seven parts light.

Talk about prejudice.  According to the Nazis you were Jewish if three of your grandparents were Jewish. Oy-vey.

Black or white is an easy description to give the police for a simple description. That’s all well and dandy to help track down a suspect.  On the other hand, not to sound too prejudice but, when a police officer hears a black was involved they automatically have an assumption.  Sometimes even a colored officer will have the same assumption.

Blind people must think everybody is crazy. Though blind people can judge people by their tone, articulation or accent. They probably assume all the well spoken and educated people are white. People who can’t hear don’t have to worry about it. Others won’t listen.

Politicians are prejudice against their rivals. They ‘assume’ your beliefs. If you are of one party and everyone else in the room are your rivals do you fight for your friends. Beyond the color of people; there is prejudice by your wardrobe.  If you wear a pink shirt they can come to an opinion. Or if you wear your pants too large.

There was a Star Trek episode where there were two races on this one planet. They were all black and white. Except they were literally black and white. Except group one was black on the left side of their bodies and white on the right. And group two were the opposite.  They had always fought because of their differences. Then Captain Kirk showed them a mirror and they discovered they weren’t much different after all. Then someone turned off the light and they started fighting again.

Note: I have been corrected from a friend/family. It appears people of a darker persuasion prefer to be called “Blacks” or “African-Americans”. I respect that. But, someday I hope everyone will be the same color.

Published by Daniel Shea

I am a happily married knucklehead. Born in Chicago and raised in Memphis and Prairie du Chien Wis. I wish someone would benefit from my ideas. And I wish I didn't get so many spams. #niceday

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