Jetstream Judd

(No Jetstream…no earth )                         (a song for a-dele) You got them flying in the old jetstream and I don’t know why. Perhaps you want to get there faster, maybe you want to save gas. Please save the jetstream Please save the jetstream You can’t […]

Can’t We Eat Together

Ok, so, there is a board meeting and it is running late. Everyone is getting hungry so its time to order a delivery. There are 10 board members. Is there a difference in race, religion or gender? All people need to eat except someone who is on a diet. All of the board members make […]


Chaotic weather can be controlled? After watching a TV show about a court case, it sparked something. The person on trial was accused of fraud because no one believed him. He said he had a plan to remedy, not global warming, but chaotic weather. Global warming may take some time, but, perhaps reducing chaotic weather […]

The Storm-Drain Diaper

…Catching a lot of crap! A couple years ago I volunteered to help clean the trash from my neighborhood creek/park (note: the acronym NAVY means ‘Never Again Volunteer Yourself’). Well there was a lot of trash which mostly came from up hill from the neighboring shopping center. It is a shame that people throw trash […]


…little birdies in one round of golf->A gander of gosling. Playing golf is fun. It is challenging and offers a lot of exercise. I mostly enjoy being partnered with others, it’s called ‘walking on’. When you get partnered with others whom you haven’t met makes it very interesting. Then I get to recycle my jokes […]

The sky is whinin’

…Look at the hail rolling down the street- >It’s not so clear, anymore. Looking at the forecast for the next week you can plan ahead by guessing the weather will be the opposite of what the meteorologists claim. That is today’s weather summary. This is more about global climate changing and not global warming. The […]

Flying for Freedom

…get ready for the ride of your life- >Not contrails but barometric pressure. We can actually control the weather if we put our heads together and sacrifice what is actually causing the inconsistent weather. It all begins with airliners heating up the upper atmosphere. When airliners are shooting exhaust at a temperature of about 1,700 […]

Fake News Alerter

News Alerter, Trump changes to Democrat. Don’t say it is true. Can the president of the United States just drop one party and join another? This must be fake news. This changes everything. Does this mean the ‘witch hunt’ is over? Most of the Democrats have been waiting for this. They just didn’t think it […]