Yay, Let’s have another war!

Target practice anyone “All Quiet on the Western Front” is a World War I movie about Germany and how they were losing people and how terrible wars were. Well tighten up your bootstraps and put your helmet on. Or not. Because the next war won’t have any survivors and maybe no more plants and animals! […]


A little Pussy-cat is what he looks like and a little out of focus, but… In this date and stage of politics one can make up a word and ‘guggle’ it just to make sure it doesn’t already exists. Killaputin is a good example. Killaputin is a word which could mean anything you want. Some […]

I. I. I. – Is It Impossible?

Impossible to have 3 eyes? IS IT IMPOSSIBLE… Is it impossible that Russia is in the “Arms” racket? How much money will be spent to fight a war? Soldier lives don’t matter! Are these world leaders only in it for the money? Is it impossible that Putin, worth 80 billion, only wants his ego to […]


Chaotic weather can be controlled? After watching a TV show about a court case, it sparked something. The person on trial was accused of fraud because no one believed him. He said he had a plan to remedy, not global warming, but chaotic weather. Global warming may take some time, but, perhaps reducing chaotic weather […]

A Beautiful Awakening

…Wishing every-one the same- >Clouded river.    This morning was a beautiful awakening.  The glowing Sun was peaking over the sparkling prairie.  Dew drops in this morning to bead sprinkles on the clover.  The morning glory is climbing for joy.  I should also mention the chipper of a couple lovebirds outside my window.  For a […]

Non Responsible Americans

…arms on the table- >Lay down my arms. It is difficult to tell people they cannot protect themselves. Let the police protect you. That is why they are there. It is not like the government is going to go Nazi on us. No matter who is president. It is so difficult to convince someone of […]

Two percent too much

…you do the math- >Being generous is not too bad. Republicans versus Democrats is today’s fare. ‘Who are you for’ is the greatest question of today. You have a choice. You may choose Republicans based on your belief, since they are the better of the two parties. Republicans did not win this election on their […]

Sophist at work

…the cost of freedom- >Money where your mouth was? A debate between two parties over the lying of an individual. Watching a debate like this is very difficult. With America being split by politics the hearing went back and forth and was very frustrating. If you are a Republican you say this person is a […]

Fake News Alerter

News Alerter, Trump changes to Democrat. Don’t say it is true. Can the president of the United States just drop one party and join another? This must be fake news. This changes everything. Does this mean the ‘witch hunt’ is over? Most of the Democrats have been waiting for this. They just didn’t think it […]

Friendly Reminder

For what is a friend? To be or not to be… Most everybody seeks help or attention. Some pay with money, others pay with time. Friends pay with time. But it is mostly mutual. Friends take care of friends. They listen to each other. They help each other as much as they can. They are […]