…or Please, stay in the closet?
All the way back to the Bible those men were not welcomed. Sodom and Gomorrah was an early rendition of the story.
Now days these men are advertising how gay it is to be gay. TV shows and commercials are too open about it. A soap opera had a teenager boy come out of the closet and announce it to his parent! It’s a TV show but, it announces it’s okay to be gay and have sex with a mule! Children are exposed to this and are very curious. How do you explain to children that men are acting like women and kissing each other. Why do we need to?
We need to draw the line of what is publicly ok. The closet is a hiding place for Christmas presents and sexual secrets. You start advertising that it is publicly ok for two males to kiss in public then it is okay for people to have sex with family members, animals, children where does it end? Sex is a mother nature action producing children. If it is just for fun you have to think. Some people extend pass the common kiss or French kisses. Love indicates that the other is okay to create offspring. Sometimes you offer to do anything for your partner. And others adhere to that and they take advantage and overbares on the mate. Meaning: some are submissive and others are monsters and the loser gets punished. Then with that there is abuse. Mean people take advantage and abuse like pulling the hair, biting, using the wrong hole, all kinds of abuses. Some abusers will even stick a finger in your nose. Where does it end. Nowhere if people keep pushing the limits. The bible kept us within our limits for 2,000 years and now with television/idiotbox it is deteriorating and fast! Then when you have an Olympic game where a transgender, LGBT is trying to participate in any sport has got to be kept in the closet!
And some places are misplacing gender altogether. All restrooms should be either women or men unless there is only one toilet. But, in sports you take a shower with teammates staring at you is way out of control. Privacy is so important.
Some beaches (mostly Europe) where women go topless and some are actually nude. Mostly kids are not allowed on naked beaches. Perhaps then you can have LGBT or at a private party.
I went to play pickleball and waiting on the group I picked up some trash in the parking lot. I disgustingly picked up a condom. Isn’t that going too far? It may be neccessary, butt, save the world and play at home!
I once was with a female and I asked her if she wanted me to go back there and she replied ‘if I wanted that then I would be with my husband’!
Women like women is ok, I guess, they don’t mind being in the closet and I understand they don’t like men. Half of men are egotistical pains in the mule, so to speak.
I have family members who are gay and I don’t mean to hurt their feelings. I guess that is what they have chosen. Butt…
…and please stay in there