I salute to everyone who will listen After watching a TV show about a court case, it sparked something. The person on trial was accused of fraud because no one believed him. He said he had a plan to remedy, not global warming, but chaotic […]
Tag Archives: #stopalljetstreamflights
Pokin’ Da’ Bears
…if you don’t poke me! When one apposing country sends a balloon type object into the air of its rival it is called “poking the bear”. Meaning that one is trying to get the other all riled up and start a fight. Does anyone really poke a bear? How stupid is that. In nature maybe […]
Does money grow on trees?
Do you have 50 bucks? Give it to me and I’ll give you 50 thousand! Thanks, but, I need 200 more before I can give it to you. No reely? (This is a good start for the use of my license plate “REELY”) You can hook them, but, can you reel them in? I once […]
A little Pussy-cat is what he looks like and a little out of focus, but… In this date and stage of politics one can make up a word and ‘guggle’ it just to make sure it doesn’t already exists. Killaputin is a good example. Killaputin is a word which could mean anything you want. Some […]
I. I. I. – Is It Impossible?
Impossible to have 3 eyes? IS IT IMPOSSIBLE… Is it impossible that Russia is in the “Arms” racket? How much money will be spent to fight a war? Soldier lives don’t matter! Are these world leaders only in it for the money? Is it impossible that Putin, worth 80 billion, only wants his ego to […]
Can we see?
When the two connected, she understood him. Charlie Chaplin has been my hero for a long time. I always thought that when she received the flower she was electrified and magic made her able to see. In “reality” she had surgery paid for by Charlie and that is how she was able to see again. […]
9-10 vs 9-11
In memory of our losses This “carving” I carved six months to the day after 9-11. I actually had a tree stump looking for a purpose. Anyways, I was born on September tenth and after my birthday in 2001, I was very disappointed (like my dad always thought of me). My point is: do we […]
Ignorent Internat
Learning not to be a sucker? Stupid internet starts off on the wrong foot. Or perhaps doesn’t have a fake leg to stand on. Many people request “guugle-it” whenever they require a quick fact. It used to be you had to look it up in the encyclopedia. Before that you just had to make up […]
Chaotic weather can be controlled? After watching a TV show about a court case, it sparked something. The person on trial was accused of fraud because no one believed him. He said he had a plan to remedy, not global warming, but chaotic weather. Global warming may take some time, but, perhaps reducing chaotic weather […]
Flying for Freedom
…get ready for the ride of your life- >Not contrails but barometric pressure. We can actually control the weather if we put our heads together and sacrifice what is actually causing the inconsistent weather. It all begins with airliners heating up the upper atmosphere. When airliners are shooting exhaust at a temperature of about 1,700 […]
Headlights On
…for all the world to see. >Reely looking forward; brilliant idea! It is understandable why people don’t want to waste energy with their headlights on all the time. When it is a beautiful day outside, not a cloud in the sky and you are going for a Sunday drive through the country. That is […]
Tropopause Terror
…weather on a wave- >Art of a child looking at the future. Ok this will be difficult…imagine 50,000 airliner flights across the United States in one day. That is the peak of the day and so active they need traffic lights up there. In addition imagine all those flights crossing in from the troposphere to […]
Sophist at work
…the cost of freedom- >Money where your mouth was? A debate between two parties over the lying of an individual. Watching a debate like this is very difficult. With America being split by politics the hearing went back and forth and was very frustrating. If you are a Republican you say this person is a […]
Friendly Reminder
For what is a friend? To be or not to be… Most everybody seeks help or attention. Some pay with money, others pay with time. Friends pay with time. But it is mostly mutual. Friends take care of friends. They listen to each other. They help each other as much as they can. They are […]