Jetstream Judd

(No Jetstream…no earth )                         (a song for a-dele) You got them flying in the old jetstream and I don’t know why. Perhaps you want to get there faster, maybe you want to save gas. Please save the jetstream Please save the jetstream You can’t […]

Yay, Let’s have another war!

Target practice anyone “All Quiet on the Western Front” is a World War I movie about Germany and how they were losing people and how terrible wars were. Well tighten up your bootstraps and put your helmet on. Or not. Because the next war won’t have any survivors and maybe no more plants and animals! […]

Bully From Day One

Toro, Toro, toro, imagine laying on the ground and looking up Being the youngest of five children I was spoiled by some which lead to bullied by the others. I assume each went thru that same paradox. I for one remained spoiled. And some remained bullies. It’s like those beginning years stay with you. Bullies […]

Ignorent Internat

Learning not to be a sucker? Stupid internet starts off on the wrong foot. Or perhaps doesn’t have a fake leg to stand on. Many people request “guugle-it” whenever they require a quick fact. It used to be you had to look it up in the encyclopedia. Before that you just had to make up […]

Temporary Communist #Bekindist

We can work and play together Let us not use the term “communist”. It is known to be a bad word. In reality the term was intended to help everyone in the community. But, the money grubbing royalty declared it was okay for them to be richer than heck as long as there were no […]

This is Discussing #disgusting

  By Mr. Trump winning the impeachment trial all is becoming his world. His head is now exploding. Just like that resemblance balloon floating around at an anti-Trump rally. Now it makes him look good. It’s like a bully is brought to the principal’s office and the principal let’s him go because of a technicality. […]

Sophist at work

…the cost of freedom- >Money where your mouth was? A debate between two parties over the lying of an individual. Watching a debate like this is very difficult. With America being split by politics the hearing went back and forth and was very frustrating. If you are a Republican you say this person is a […]