
Chaotic weather can be controlled? After watching a TV show about a court case, it sparked something. The person on trial was accused of fraud because no one believed him. He said he had a plan to remedy, not global warming, but chaotic weather. Global warming may take some time, but, perhaps reducing chaotic weather […]

Flying for Freedom

…get ready for the ride of your life- >Not contrails but barometric pressure. We can actually control the weather if we put our heads together and sacrifice what is actually causing the inconsistent weather. It all begins with airliners heating up the upper atmosphere. When airliners are shooting exhaust at a temperature of about 1,700 […]

Tropopause Terror

…weather on a wave- >Art of a child looking at the future. Ok this will be difficult…imagine 50,000 airliner flights across the United States in one day. That is the peak of the day and so active they need traffic lights up there. In addition imagine all those flights crossing in from the troposphere to […]