Target practice anyone “All Quiet on the Western Front” is a World War I movie about Germany and how they were losing people and how terrible wars were. Well tighten up your bootstraps and put your helmet on. Or not. Because the next war won’t have any survivors and maybe no more plants and animals! […]
Tag Archives: #China
Ignorent Internat
Learning not to be a sucker? Stupid internet starts off on the wrong foot. Or perhaps doesn’t have a fake leg to stand on. Many people request “guugle-it” whenever they require a quick fact. It used to be you had to look it up in the encyclopedia. Before that you just had to make up […]
Temporary Communist #Bekindist
We can work and play together Let us not use the term “communist”. It is known to be a bad word. In reality the term was intended to help everyone in the community. But, the money grubbing royalty declared it was okay for them to be richer than heck as long as there were no […]
White Ink Blues
After typing all day I noticed I used up all my ink. I had so much to say. Maybe that is why no one will read my stuff… Last year we went to the beach like we do every year. I sat down at a bar. I usually like meeting new people. That’s why I […]
Made in China
…sold in the U.S.A Everybody buys the cheap stuff from China. But, what they don’t know is the cheap stuff won’t last for long. It’s called planned obsolescence. The guts inside a toilet will break or trick you into thinking it is broken. And you can’t let the toilet run all day. China makes everything […]