Ear ache my aye! (Fake news 2)

If only that mask prevented stuff from exiting. This one person had such a terrible ear ache. What will they do? Went to the doctor. The doctor said the passageway was blocked. Put the three drops in there and call me in the morning. Typical, that one was heard millions of times. But, who listens? […]

A Game for All

Today’s earth is going through a humble awakening. The animals are not really sure what is going on. All of a sudden people are being nice. Even the butcher says a prayer before decapitating his prize meal. It is almost like there was a nuclear war, but, they ran out of rockets. And now everyone […]

This is Discussing #disgusting

  By Mr. Trump winning the impeachment trial all is becoming his world. His head is now exploding. Just like that resemblance balloon floating around at an anti-Trump rally. Now it makes him look good. It’s like a bully is brought to the principal’s office and the principal let’s him go because of a technicality. […]

Made in China

…sold in the U.S.A Everybody buys the cheap stuff from China. But, what they don’t know is the cheap stuff won’t last for long. It’s called planned obsolescence. The guts inside a toilet will break or trick you into thinking it is broken. And you can’t let the toilet run all day. China makes everything […]

Two percent too much

…you do the math- >Being generous is not too bad. Republicans versus Democrats is today’s fare. ‘Who are you for’ is the greatest question of today. You have a choice. You may choose Republicans based on your belief, since they are the better of the two parties. Republicans did not win this election on their […]

Sophist at work

…the cost of freedom- >Money where your mouth was? A debate between two parties over the lying of an individual. Watching a debate like this is very difficult. With America being split by politics the hearing went back and forth and was very frustrating. If you are a Republican you say this person is a […]