Does money grow on trees?

Do you have 50 bucks? Give it to me and I’ll give you 50 thousand! Thanks, but, I need 200 more before I can give it to you. No reely? (This is a good start for the use of my license plate “REELY”) You can hook them, but, can you reel them in? I once […]

Can’t We Eat Together

Ok, so, there is a board meeting and it is running late. Everyone is getting hungry so its time to order a delivery. There are 10 board members. Is there a difference in race, religion or gender? All people need to eat except someone who is on a diet. All of the board members make […]

Temporary Communist #Bekindist

We can work and play together Let us not use the term “communist”. It is known to be a bad word. In reality the term was intended to help everyone in the community. But, the money grubbing royalty declared it was okay for them to be richer than heck as long as there were no […]

A Game for All

Today’s earth is going through a humble awakening. The animals are not really sure what is going on. All of a sudden people are being nice. Even the butcher says a prayer before decapitating his prize meal. It is almost like there was a nuclear war, but, they ran out of rockets. And now everyone […]


Chaotic weather can be controlled? After watching a TV show about a court case, it sparked something. The person on trial was accused of fraud because no one believed him. He said he had a plan to remedy, not global warming, but chaotic weather. Global warming may take some time, but, perhaps reducing chaotic weather […]

The sky is whinin’

…Look at the hail rolling down the street- >It’s not so clear, anymore. Looking at the forecast for the next week you can plan ahead by guessing the weather will be the opposite of what the meteorologists claim. That is today’s weather summary. This is more about global climate changing and not global warming. The […]

Picture yourself

…it’s you or your phone- >Picture yourself, not your phoney. People around the world are being drawn into the web. Don’t let it take control over you. There are many forms of addiction. But, if you simplify it, it isn’t an addiction, but more like a craving out of control. Break it down and it […]

Two percent too much

…you do the math- >Being generous is not too bad. Republicans versus Democrats is today’s fare. ‘Who are you for’ is the greatest question of today. You have a choice. You may choose Republicans based on your belief, since they are the better of the two parties. Republicans did not win this election on their […]