Two percent too much

…you do the math-

>Being generous is not too bad.
Republicans versus Democrats is today’s fare. ‘Who are you for’ is the greatest question of today. You have a choice. You may choose Republicans based on your belief, since they are the better of the two parties.
Republicans did not win this election on their own. The parties are too equal. They, the Republicans, needed Democrats and Independents to side with them. They needed to compromise and side with the Democrats. If the Republicans can’t compromise with the others, there will continue to be a stalemate and no improvements will happen.
Over the last several years there has been no progress because the Republicans would not give an inch. In ‘fact’ no matter what, they would not compromise, even if they designed the resolution. And now the Democrats are doing the same thing.
Consider this: Congress is in session. There is a vote. Someone has an idea to help poor people after a catastrophe. The Republicans want to help the store owners so they may distribute (maybe discounted) goods that would help those people in need. And the Democrats want to give money to the poor to allow them to get aid they need. This would give the store owners profits also.
If you give money to the needy they will give money to the store owners. What is the difference for the store owners, nothing, they get the money either way. But, for the needy people, they benefit also.

Maybe it is “trickle-up” economics or maybe it is common sense. The rich people find a way to make the money. They don’t need government assistance. Though, it does give them many benefits.

The Republicans are the store owners and the Democrats are the poor or actually those that care about the poor. The Independents could go either way.

We need to come together or in this case, lean toward helping everyone. We can’t get anything done in a stalemate. Let us go out and vote, not for ourselves alone, but, to vote for everyone.

The economic cliff is where we are standing and looking over it is a little scary. The Republicans were actually allowed to decrease the taxes on the top one or two percent. They lowered the taxes on the wealthiest.

Thinking about the current downturn in the economy, it is all about themselves. Of course it is human instinct to think about themselves first. Cogito ergo sum means: I think, therefore I am. But, it also seems that the country is divided, together.

Half of the country is Republican and half the country is Democratic. The president is not trying to find middle ground. He is trying to divide us. He is getting old and wants to go down in the history books. He wants the 2% or as some refer to them as ‘the Royalty’ to take over the world. Starting first to divide the country then to get rid of one race not wanted. It is funny, one Republican said we don’t want to get rid of them, we need someone to do the gardening. We saw this same plan about 80 years ago. (This may sound impossible, but, you never know. History could repeat itself.)

On the other hand…Consider one big happy family wants to take a summer trip to the beach. They all want to relax and play on the beach together. But, annually they rent a house for the week. The mother and father, parents, want to bring all of their children and grandchildren together so all can have fun together. The parents are middle income, both work, and still have some debts from college payments for their offspring, in one way or another, namely the second or third mortgage on their house for those that chose to finish their ultimate education.
Like all families some finish college and some choose another path. That being said, not all of the children, et al are in the same income level. Some are upper class and some are not that fortunate. The parents, middle class can’t afford the rental of the summer house by themselves, of course everyone should contribute their share to make it possible.
Now comes the million dollar question: divide the rent equally for each sibling? The lower status siblings can’t afford too much and the upper income class can afford a lot more than the others. Yet, they shouldn’t have to carry all the weight for all. Perhaps the ‘better off’ should, out of kindness of their own hearts, volunteer to pay additionally more.
Republicans appear to be richer or at least siding with ones that can afford the costs. They tend to side with a group, #teaparty. They want all America to be their religion, white and independent of the rest of the country.
Of course they don’t want to support those that all have an equal chance to profit and succeed, but, just can’t. It is the lower classes’ own fault; they had the same opportunities.

The democrats, which some deem socialists, only want to help those less fortunate. There are rich democrats but they are not heart set on stepping on the less fortunate, they want to contribute to the poor and still maintain their status quo.

Some siblings have the money to contribute to the higher rent, they should, if they want one big happy family without making those less fortunate feel bad; they can go back to their mansions and let those less fortunate go back to their way of life, maybe humble, which they chose.

The country needs to take a hard look at who can afford the higher rent and how much less fortunate, though their own making, should contribute. There is no sense in a billionaire owning twenty yachts just because his friend owns nineteen.



Flying for Freedom

…get ready for the ride of your life-

>Not contrails but barometric pressure.

We can actually control the weather if we put our heads together and sacrifice what is actually causing the inconsistent weather. It all begins with airliners heating up the upper atmosphere. When airliners are shooting exhaust at a temperature of about 1,700 degrees above zero and the surrounding air is about 80 degrees below zero the air doesn’t know what to do. The earth has a natural way about it where heat rises up until it reaches the upper atmosphere and then it turns really cold due to outer space. The airliners are like a speed boat on a still lake. The propeller just churns it up. That is for visual effect. In reality the air is churning not just the temperature, but, also the barometric pressure. This is almost impossible to see, but, it exists. And every day there are a couple thousand jets flying in the jet stream. The exhaust from these airliners are actually heating up the jet stream. How this affects our weather only mother nature knows; except for the barometric pressure and the churning affect.

It could be proven, but, it will take a lot of effort. Start off by flying four hot air balloons evenly spaced in a line; the direction doesn’t matter. And then each balloon will lower a wire with a string of barometers and thermometers evenly spaced about every 100 or 200 feet. This would create an accessible wall that will allow an airliner to fly through it and you can see via a computer the changes one airliner affects the upper atmosphere. Then you can see that affect multiplied times the thousands of miles, times the one hundred thousand flights a day.
Now that it is proven, next is a way to control the weather. When the airliner churns up the upper atmosphere and heats up the sky this can be used to our advantage. What if instead of flying from one city to another a group of airliners are flown together in a circle. Maybe thirty of them would work. By this group circling at a radius of maybe twenty miles it will create it’s own high pressure system. This, in turn, will alter the path of weather coming from the west. By introducing a high barometric pressure it may alter the path of the jet stream. Now, one contributor will have to be the airliners that are going with the jet stream to save fuel. They will need to manipulate their flight to help alter the jet stream. By doing this we can bring rain to the Hawaiian lava streams and rain on them to stop the flow and slow down the destruction.
You can also use helicopters to drop water on the lava streams just like a forest fire. By this combination we can slow mother nature and maybe bring peace to the island.
While we are talking about the weather and how we can control it, we need to put an immediate stop to all the airliners that cross the polar caps. The caps are being heated up by all the airliners crossing the cap and melting the ice very needed to preserve mother earth.
This technique is a theory and can be greatly adjusted by scientists, but, it must be looked at as a real solution to many weather conditions such as last years California forest fires and Puerto Rico’s devastation. So, hold on. The weather is ours for the flying.

Next read: Tropopause Terror


The Jerk Alerter

…Ump, there it is-

>Mountable device.

Imagine sitting at a bar and having a nice refreshing brew. And then comes in your boss from the office. He comes over and starts bullying you. Now do you really have to take it? Are you afraid of losing your job? Well, not anymore. Now there is a new app that can prevent such a situation. You can make a list of people who you don’t particularly care for. Then when they come into your territory it alerts you.

This App is fairly simple. You should have no complications in your construction. You touch a button on your screen and it flashes on and off and announces, “Jerk Alert, Jerk Alert!”. This in general announces to others in the vicinity that a jerk has entered the room or has said something unwanted.

Perhaps with some ingenuity it can be used in your vehicle where others can see, maybe on the dashboard like a button. And maybe alerting others in the vicinity utilizing blue-stuff that would alert other drivers with the same software.

Mine, I created using a Quick Shortcut Maker in cahoots with Touch Alarm Protector and Ringtone Maker.
My friend was in the car repair business when he said he wished he had a dashboard button that said, “Gook Alert” and I said that wasn’t politically correct. And I said what about “Jerk Alert”.
The Jerk Alert is a simple button I believe will become a big hit with phone lovers. It might even advance to more apps that have their own exclamations, such as, “Oh Shit” or “Happy Birthday” or “You’re the Man”, etc.
This is a really simple app. Your youngest engineer should be able to design/build it. But, it has potential to expand from a simple app to a dashboard button to other exclamations as stated earlier. The most difficult part is probably the patent search, but, I have proof of my idea going back to 1987.
If you are a jerk, then be ready. We are not coming to get you. But, when you are around we will know. No more bullying. Then, at the end of the day a person could enjoy a cold beer in peace. As long as there is not an app for “stalker alert”!


Headlights On

…for all the world to see.


Brilliant idea

>Reely looking forward; brilliant idea!
It is understandable why people don’t want to waste energy with their headlights on all the time. When it is a beautiful day outside, not a cloud in the sky and you are going for a Sunday drive through the country. That is fantastic.
But, when the sun is getting low, cloudy, raining or driving through the city you need to turn your headlights on. Most people now have autolights that come on when the sensor orders it to. You are allowed to turn them on when you want; sensor or no sensor. What makes sense is people turn on their lights to save people and animals and even the junkyard.
At schools you have teenage drivers and pedestrians that are really anxious at the end of the day to get home, etc. With your lights on you can save a life. There is no statistic informing how many youths are saved by vehicles with their headlights on. But, just to save one life is worth it everyday. Think of it like each year you go without killing a pedestrian you actually save a life. You don’t have to put a candle on your birthday cake, but, you can still enjoy it.
If you are driving through the woods or into a tunnel, turn your headlights on. There are animals that can’t judge your speed and distance. And they may be shocked by the headlights but you can’t win them all.
If you don’t care about saving someone’s life or an animal that didn’t do anything to you. Think about the junkyard. There are enough wrecks in the dump already. Can’t you see you can help? Then turn your lights on!


Tropopause Terror

…weather on a wave-
>Art of a child looking at the future.

Ok this will be difficult…imagine 50,000 airliner flights across the United States in one day. That is the peak of the day and so active they need traffic lights up there. In addition imagine all those flights crossing in from the troposphere to the stratosphere. Now these two are supposed to be separated by this barrier (#needawall) that keeps all of what we see in the skies separated from outer space called the tropopause.  The tropopause is supposed to keep them separated but because of all the air flights it is disrupted. The flights poke thru the tropopause like shooting a machine gun in a pool that is frozen over. It is probably the concentration of so many during the day a wave is created. It is similar to boiling water. This is a phenomenon never suggested. Mainly because there never has been so many flights in one day (and now every day). And the “wave” doesn’t just sit there. It moves west over the Pacific as the Earth rotates. Imagine this wave also popping up in other highly populated regions such as Europe,  Russia and the Middle East. These “waves” are messing up normal weather patterns and creating chaos. The current weather systems are reaching extremes in all directions. One day it hails in the desert the next it has mudslides all over California, etc. These airliners are mostly flying in the stratosphere, the jet stream and over the polar caps to save money. Now the jetstream is not a totally different story altogether. It is also impacted by too many airliners. Now many will say the jetliners are just like a boat flowing with the current.  In reality they are pushing back exhaust which slows down the jetstream behind them just like a motor boat going upstream it always pushes back even going down stream. And like all airliners the exhaust is 1,600 degrees hotter than the surrounding area. When that air is usually 30 degrees below zero; that is quite a difference. And the same thing is happening at the polar caps. Airliners taking a short cut to save fuel. You don’t put the chili in the fridge until it has cooled off; much less put it in the freezer. #stopallpolarcapflights

Now, I am not suggesting we stop all flights. Aircraft owners should work together and solve this problem. They are already billionaires. Perhaps there are stockowners trying to get some retirement savings, but, we are talking about the future of the world! So, maybe you save a little money on flying over the polar caps like a short cut. Or you fly with the Jetstream to save a little fuel. Or you fly from one side of the country to the other just to deliver a freaking pizza. Is any of that really necessary? We aren’t just talking about global warming. Though automobiles and factories also contribute. We are talking about chaotic weather and how we can actual control it. #savetheworld
Next read: We can’t believe you


Sophist at work

…the cost of freedom-

>Money where your mouth was?
A debate between two parties over the lying of an individual. Watching a debate like this is very difficult. With America being split by politics the hearing went back and forth and was very frustrating. If you are a Republican you say this person is a liar and you won’t believe anything he says. If you are a Democrat you really want to believe him even though he has already acknowledged he has lied to Congress. One questioner ranted on and on how much time and money was being wasted ($450,000,000) and how he spoke with his wife just before the hearing. He read that from notes which were obviously written ahead of time. It makes you wonder. His rant sounded like it was all about him. From his cancer to his daughter he then said no one should watch the event in which he was participating. Meanwhile the Democrats apologized and thanked the testifier for participating. They were not adamant about torturing the testified, but, were giving him a break like a child inquired for seeing something that their sibling had committed. A sophist knows there are at least two sides to every story. Some opt to take the higher bidder, some take the less fortunate and some just follow their party no matter what. If you had a “Jerkalerter” app on during this hearing it would have sounded like a duck farm. It seems the whole liar thing is based on an interrogation of someone trying to protect their client. Sort of like your parents broke the law and you tried to protect them. Yes, do anything to protect your family. That is until your parents call you out and degrade you just for their satisfaction. There is an agreement out there, maybe in fine print, that stipulates if your client screws you, then you are allowed to screw them back. Where money is involved it isn’t very smart for a multibillionaire to mishandle the lock to the safe. Do you shoot the only pilot on the plane. Do you think you are so great that you can land the plane yourself just because you saw it on television? You will probably crash. It’s funny one reaction was that `he lied about everything except the “Russian Collusion”. Meaning: he isn’t a complete liar.

Trust? Reely? Like casting out your lure and bringing in the catch of the day; you get pretty excited. Maybe just reeling it in is the sport.


Fake News Alert

Mr. Trump hugs the flag
>He does love the UN-United States.

News Alert, Trump changes to Democrat. Don’t say it is true. Can the president of the United States just drop one party and join another? This must be fake news. This changes everything. Does this mean the ‘witch hunt’ is over? Most of the Democrats have been waiting for this. They just didn’t think it would take so long. Now the swamp can be drained. The Democrats can get what they have been fighting for. They can fix all the health care issues like provide health care for those who can’t afford it. The list goes on. Border refugees can be reconnected with their children. They won’t be set free, but, they will get to live in a decent refugee camp until they are legal. The wall will be built, but, not all at once, but, soon enough. Radical or harm provoking groups such as the KKK and the NRA will no longer be granted permits for fight provoking rallies. The 1% will be required to pay 50% of their income and not cheat on their taxes once the IRS replaces their chief. The Democrats will no longer seek the impeachment of the president. They will wait until he is out of office before they send him to prison. Of which he will not serve time, but, will have an ankle bracelet to confine him to one of his golf courses. He will also have to pay a lot of back taxes and fines for cheating on his taxes. Now the United States of America can be “one again”. No more divided politicians and parties. No more divided families. No more divided races. With all this going on and everybody in the United States are all “one again” Mr. Trump should get the honor of the greatest person ever!

The Republicans have already got everything they wanted.

If you like this then you will like this. .. Ear ache my aye! (Fake news 2)


Friendly Reminder

Friend on life
>Remembering riding in the snow.

For what is a friend?

To be or not to be…

Most everybody seeks help or attention. Some pay with money, others pay with time. Friends pay with time. But it is mostly mutual. Friends take care of friends. They listen to each other. They help each other as much as they can. They are the perfect psychologist. Except psychologists can be fired. When you try to fire a friend, it can get ugly.
Friends, what are they good for? If you have a kegerator you will have a lot of friends. If you adopt a highway, you lose a lot of friends. If you start getting on your friends’ nerves, they fire you. Even if they had performed priceless amounts of home improvements for ya.
There was once a joke about what is the difference between a friend and a fiend. That was sort of funny. But the real funny part was one could switch from one to the other in an instant.
The important ingredient in a friend is good advice. Though you must understand not all of it is good. Everything must be carefully analyzed. Once again race or gender does not significantly come into play. Except, the larger variety of information and help is best. Meaning maybe one psychologist is not enough, but a group of individuals will give a broader perspective.
Some friends are animals such as a cat or dog. They listen well and they don’t talk back, and they are cheap. Mostly all they require is food and water.
Of course, there are children. They can be the best teachers. But they force you to teach them. Not so good listeners, either.
That is an experience that some know nothing about. But, children can be all of those above and more. They do make you pay, but, c’est la golf. You made the shot. Whether it’s in the fairway or woods, you have to deal with it. That is, if you play the game. Otherwise you sit and watch.
Then there are the loners. Those that do not have anyone. Even psychologists have psychologists. Poor loners. All they have is a mirror. Or maybe a moon to worship. Lying out among the moon and stars asking themselves questions and the only answers are in their head. The answers are not in drugs or alcohol. Though you may think the bartender is listening. In reality they have ear buds on and are totally ignoring all. If you are thinking of the “S” word, then forget about it. Join the Army or become a bodyguard. You can’t trump that.
The best of all are probably aunts and uncles. Uncles can give advice without thinking of themselves. And aunts always have the best advice.
People get married so they have a permanent friend. Who needs a shrink? If you can’t speak with your own spousal unit, then what do you do. You then pretend you are speaking to one of the many ears available. Skip the corn stalks. They have ears, but they don’t listen.
