Comin’ out of the Chartroom #closet

Hey! Knucklehead…Close the door!

The navy really was an adventure. I joined bootcamp on my 18th birthday. I had to get out of Memphis. My superior joked at me.  We had to shit, shower and shave in 10 minutes. Me, having never shaved before, cut myself a few times. He joked that most recruits don’t try to commit suicide until 2 or 3 weeks in. That is when it all began.
In “A-school” I was in the top 10% of the class. By doing so I was offered to jump from E-1 to E-4 if I signed up for another year (5 total). Never having been aboard a ship (3 or 4 months in) I assumed what’s another year it will be an adventure.
Well time went by. I got in fights with my shipmates. Fell in love with a few girls. Navigated by the stars and had a great time in many foriegn ports.
Off the coast of Beirut we fired flares on the beach to let the enemy know we know where they are. At the same time the Captain and Navigator were in a tiff because someone didn’t sharpen the pencils. That may be where the bad attitude flared up. I guess I always had a bad attitude. Maybe it is more of a rebellious attitude.  Because I was always happy.
Then there is the time we ran aground in Helsinki and the Captain got fired and the Navigator got a promotion.
Mr. Reagan started a war on drugs (when at one time my boss was the chief dealer aboard) and cut costs on the Navy (Never Again Voluteer Yourself). Which in turn meant get rid of some sailors.
That’s when I started getting in trouble. I was accused of stealing, aka making use of some old binoculars stored in the storage bin aka garbage when we got brand new binoculars. Then I was accused of cussing out a superior officer because he got the keys to my truck and parked it on the pier trying to lure me in. It probably didn’t help when the Assistant Navigator ordered me to post on the bulletin board our chain of command. And I misspelled the abreviation for Assistant.
Because I went UA to New Orleans on a trip already planned and paid for. Then there was misconduct when I brought aboard a female companion with some non-alcoholic beer. And finally back to the drug test I guess I passed with flying colors. All of these mistakes added up and got me kicked out a few months before I was supposed to be discharged honorably.
I have been embarrassed about this for 30 years. It is a shame. My dad (3 years in the Navy) said he was ‘disappointed’ in me. That’s probably the worst of it all. That and losing my college money I saved up the whole time was negated; and still annoys me today. Now I am coming out of embarrassment, the closet and the chartroom -standing up for my first 4 years. Thankyou.

And a second thought or third, I watched all of these war movies growing up and they all had rebels.

…and…I am still a VET even though I got an OTH

A prison not my own

My bars are my own
Let me in?

Today is my lucky day. I was released from a mental institution and ready for a glass of wine. I’m not sure why I was put in there. I didn’t hurt anyone. Maybe I was mean to my wifee? But all wives deserve a little poking otherwise they would dominate you. Not spousal abuse; just a little ballast so the ship doesn’t sink.
I admit to forgetting stuff all the time but doesn’t everyone? Actually I forgot a lot of stuff. Maybe that was my problem. I forgot to remember stuff. I would keep asking the same questions over and over and forget the reason why I asked the question. I guess it gets annoying to others. But recently I have been taking … uh, Ginko, yes, and I believe it really works.
It is dangerous to forget where you are going and its actually dangerous for a lot of things. There are minor things like forgetting to feed the dog and major things like leaving the oven on. I don’t want to burn down the house even though I could use a little remodeling. #dontblameme
I remember visiting with my dad at his farm in Wisconsin. And he went to town to get some more beer. (Not like I had to have more beer?; #otherstory). He wasn’t at the local pub. He was driving up and down main street. I whistled at him and he pulled over. He said he forgot how to get home (after 20 years). I elected to drive him home and from then on it went down hill. He was put in a mental institution and he passed away a month later. The actual cause of death is a mystery. Maybe someone did him justice with a pillow, it is not in the records. Actually I forgot.
Some call it Alzheimer’s or maybe dementia. The ginko really helps. I used to have a nice career and all of a sudden I couldn’t add and subtract. I had to really think about it. What was very simple all of a sudden became difficult. The web helped to discover the ginko. A natural remedy for a bad memory, ginko is the answer. After taking ginko for a couple months you will feel a lot better about yourself. And that is what you really need. Feel good about yourself. This isn’t an advertising scheme for ginko, but, just a solution.
It is going to be so great to get back home, make a fire and drink a glass of wine. Maybe a little macramé blanket, a foot massage and a couple…Well we won’t get in to that. Just let your imagination run wild. And don’t forget to take your ginko!

The Day the Barn Burnt Down to the Ground

What smells?
Long gone

I wrote this song after my Dad burnt his own barn down. He was burning trash a little to close. When I was growing up (youngest of 5) I had to clean the barn because we all had chores to do and I was delegated to the task. One sibling told me if I clean the barn barefooted it would kill my ‘athletes foot’. Of course everyone knows that barns that store cattle all winter: the flooring isn’t just straw but also manure a foot or so deep.

Brother One: I was in the field bailing hay
when I saw the sky was black and gray
I hurried home, but, it was too late…

Sister: I was in town, shopping around
And bought a lovely gown
And was turned around, and it was too late…

Brother Two: I was canoeing down on the Wisconsin,
caught some fish and went a swimming and so was too late…

Brother three: I was at the neighbor’s, but I didn’t kiss her,
I didn’t even touch her, we were racing thru the cornfield and saw it too late…

Brother four: I wasn’t smoking weed,
I was cleaning the stalls, when a cow kicked over a lantern…

My great friend “Fred Kenny Price” provided the awesome music!


Chaotic weather can be controlled?

Temporarily Serious
Temporarily Serious

After watching a TV show about a court case, it sparked something. The person on trial was accused of fraud because no one believed him. He said he had a plan to remedy, not global warming, but chaotic weather. Global warming may take some time, but, perhaps reducing chaotic weather is a good start.
His theory was because aircraft exhaust was so hot and it shoots the exhaust in such cold air that it must churn up the upper atmosphere. And not only churn up the temperature but also churn up the barometric pressure. Both of those are near impossible to see to the naked eye. It is understandable people don’t believe anything if they can’t see it; or smell or taste it or hear it or touch it, yadda yadda yadda. It is only religion people believe without any proof.
Actually maybe God is mad because we are ruining the earth. Beware of lightning.
So many people claim they are 100 percent sure about something. And maybe they are 100 percent ‘sure’, but, that doesn’t mean they are 100 percent correct. The weatherman says 90 percent chance of rain. A bull-spitter will say he is sure a 100 percent about anything, etc. You can guarantee (100%) if you flip the light switch; the light will come on. But, what if the light bulb is out or there is a bad connection?
And what if 150,000 aircraft a day around the world were churning up the tropopause (the barrier between two different atmospheres) creating patches of unpredictable weather conditions? What are the odds? If you say you are totally sure that it is impossible then maybe you are right. What if since aircraft do effect the upper atmosphere maybe they could be used to create a high pressure system which is caused by a concentration of hot air. The theory is if (maybe 30-40) aircraft were deployed to create a circle or oval pattern in a particular area in a clockwise direction then maybe we can create our own high pressure system. By using this method in an area where the eye of the hurricane is tracking toward an island, perhaps it can be diverted or at least slowed down. Now nobody can guarantee this will work. But, we could give it a try. There is a model that weather persons could use to test it on a smaller scale. Or the next time there is a hurricane one of those many billionaires could find such a cause.
There is also the issue of if you divert the storm it is just going to hit somewhere else. But, not if you slow it down. If you create a high pressure system the low pressure system will then decrease. At least according the dude accused of fraud.

Made in China

>of course it aint mine

…sold in the U.S.A

Everybody buys the cheap stuff from China. But, what they don’t know is the cheap stuff won’t last for long. It’s called planned obsolescence. The guts inside a toilet will break or trick you into thinking it is broken. And you can’t let the toilet run all day. China makes everything disposable. Everything is made to disintegrate or erode in a short time. My nephew, Sam sung with his choir and in the middle of a song the microphone bricked up. Why? Because after the warranty expires the devices such as computers, tablets, phones will brick up.  Then you have to buy a new one. Everything is disposable. My new garden hose broke at the spigot. If you buy some hand lotion it feels good. Then when you are near the bottom the tube doesn’t go all the way to the bottom. It stops about an inch short so you will throw it away even though there is still a lot left. You buy ice-cream and it is whipped up so you buy by the container and not by the pound. My father-in-law got a pacemaker about seven years ago. And last week he had a heart attack because one of the valves eroded. Talk about a broken heart. He survived.

Everything goes in the garbage or recycle bin. Which ones goes back to China? I didn’t know China was taking our recyclables for the last twenty or so years. China quit taking our recyclables, now where do they go? Do we burn them or dump them in the ocean. Who knows, you can’t even ‘google it’ because secrets are kept for the 1%. I remember in the navy we would through our bags of garbage over the side before leaving international waters. Do they still? Does every ship do it?

I like grocery stores that encourage people to bring their own bags. One time I was driving across a Hawaiian island and there were dozens and dozens of bags floating around like an enlarged snow globe.

Who fixes stuff anymore? I went to vacation at Smith Mountain Lake. I ripped my swim trunks. I asked my other family members if anyone had a needle and thread and they looked at me like they had never heard of it. The next day my wife went out and bought me a new pair. The couch got a rip. Guess what. We need a new sofa.

A Homage to Holly

…no, not Buddy Holly, silly-

I Didn’t Do It!

My mom came home and asked me
what happened to this room?
She said it was a mess.
I didn’t do it!

(chorus) I said my dog did it, yes. Why do I always get blamed?

My dog is such a trickster. I ain’t dat smart. It is your guess.

We were at a funeral and
there was a loud noise
everyone looked at me with disgust!
I didn’t do it!
I said my dog did it, yes. Why do I always get blamed?

My teacher asked me to turn in my homework
but it looked like a mess.
I didn’t do it!
I said my dog did it, yes. Why do I always get blamed?

We went to the beach and
she had a nice tan.
Her top came off!
I didn’t do it!

I said my dog did it, yes. Why do I always get blamed?

The Storm-Drain Diaper

Catching a lot of crap!

Storm Diaper
No Shit

A couple years ago I volunteered to help clean the trash from my neighborhood creek/park (note: the acronym NAVY means ‘Never Again Volunteer Yourself’). Well there was a lot of trash which mostly came from up hill from the neighboring shopping center. It is a shame that people throw trash on the ground. I guess they expect other people to follow behind them to pick it up. In the old movies people, mostly men, would throw cigarettes on the ground to be cool. Think of children walking around and pick up a cigarette butt. That is disgusting. Some still throw it on the ground at the golf course. Go figure. And the shopping center should be responsible for litter on their site to prevent it from going into the storm system. Then there are the homeowners. Some just throw stuff over their fence which adjoins the creek/park. Why would they do that? There is ample county pickup available.

The Storm-Drain Diaper is just a plain old chain link fence. First, I found some scrap fence on my neighbor’s yard that backed up to mine. They said I could have it if I wanted it. Second, I cut the fence in half. Then I tied each end to end and before you know it, it looked like a baseball diamond. With the storm pipe as home plate the game was ready to begin. My first mistake was to tie down the diaper with huge rocks from the creek. Then came a ‘100-year flood’ and semi-totally washed away the diaper. That hurt my feelings and I almost scrapped the crap. Then it hit me, the Navy’s oldest shank, an anchor should prevent it from flowing down stream and it worked. We haven’t had a 100-year flood yet, but hopefully she will hold. Meanwhile I go down and check on it about every third rain. It works great. I must separate the leaves from the trash, but it is a lot easier to pick up the trash there then to go all the way down the creek.

Perhaps this Storm-Drain Diaper can be used in multiple storm outlets. They do require periotic maintenance. It would help also if people didn’t throw trash on the ground. And with some people with trucks it blows out of the truck bed. You can’t change that diaper. #knucklehead


…little birdies in one round of golf->A gander of gosling.

Playing golf is fun. It is challenging and offers a lot of exercise. I mostly enjoy being partnered with others, it’s called ‘walking on’. When you get partnered with others whom you haven’t met makes it very interesting. Then I get to recycle my jokes and golf stories. And at the end of the day after the ninth hole I shake their hands and always say ‘see you tomorrow’.  I would like to demand you don’t shake hands on the last green, but, do it after you leave the green allowing the group behind you a chance to the same.

The best part of golf and what really makes me feel great is to make a birdie. They don’t come very often, but, boy when they do, it is awesome. But, just because you make a birdie you can’t get too excited. Actually, the important thing is to just brush it off, just like you do when you make a bogey. ‘C’est-la-golf’ means “that’s golf”. Just like life, you live with what you have. Except in golf you live with what you have just done. If you make a birdie or a bogey, you have to continue forward.

I actually enjoy making a good shot. The score doesn’t really matter very much either.  If you make a perfect shot 5 feet from the hole and still miss the putt, it’s ok because the perfect shot was awesome.

I also claim in the summertime I enjoy hitting it in the woods because it is so much cooler. That is my excuse for hitting them there. I also aim four degrees to the left to help the ball go into the center of the fairway. That works about half of the time #selagolf. Another trick of mine is to aim for the sand trap knowing I can’t hit where I aim. That works a lot. And then there is the beer. I call it aiming fluid, but, it is really a relaxer. I only have a couple beers. And I mostly play nine holes. I don’t want to have too much fun. I tell everyone my favorite number is fore! And my wife’s favorite letter is… why?

I also get a mulligan per nine holes. It helps to keep me honest. Yes, my yard is mad at me when I am supposed to be doing yard work and I sneak out and play golf. The yard is always quiet, but, I can feel it. It will grow out of it. Rarely using a golf cart I get a good workout. Though I don’t carry my bag, I use a pull cart. The only sad part is finishing that last hole and not knowing when you are going to play next.


…and pick up that garbage-

>Just a walk in the park.

Exercise is the second way to live. First of course is eating. But, exercise is so easy. Try walking. I try to walk everyday in addition to normal life. I have a nice little park a few blocks away. There is a beautiful little stream running through it. But, wait, I mean STOP and pick up that garbage!

I understand it is gross, but, we are needlessly defacing our planet and our offspring’s planet. Many people walk their dog and carry a little bag to contain their dogs’ litter. That is very kind of them. Some of them wear gloves, some carry a little shovel and some just use a little bag, pick up the stuff and turn the bag inside out and voila’ the stuff is contained.

It is a great idea to take a walk and pick up someone else’s trash. But, what about the idea of NOT throwing trash on the ground in the first place. Just hold on to it until you walk by the proper place to unload it; like a garbage can.

This may sound a little harsh, but, really, don’t be like a stray dog.

Adopting a highway is one of the best ideas ever. I once adopted a stretch of road. I got a sign with my name on it and everything. Yes, and it said “Dan Shea and Friends”. It’s funny as the cleaning episodes passed so did my friends.

Once I was walking around the block. And in front of me twenty paces were these three high school students. One of them threw a soda fountain cup on the ground. I, being a good samaritan and don’t know how to mind my own business, whistled at them and told him to pick it up. He looked confused like no one had ever corrected him before.

Henry David Thoreau once said “I am alarmed when it happens that I have walked a mile into the woods bodily, without getting there in spirit.” They didn’t have a bunch of trash laying around the place back then. Or he might have said “the path we walk was laid by our forefathers and intended for future generations, so, STOP, and pick up that garbage!”

Well, it is time to get some more exercise. Someone has to go to the store and get something for somebody.


…remember me-

>Photo from Washington Post Magazine story contest.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hi, you probably don’t remember me, but”… replied in a raspy yet innocent tone. “We were in the fourth and fifth grade together.”

“What time is it?” She answered. “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s nine-o’clock there I think. It’s four in the morning here in Hawaii.” “Hawaii?” She answered. “Yes. Actually I’m in Wahuhu at the Hawaii Falls. I’m sitting here looking at the waterfalls right now. It’s unbelievable. I’m sitting here with my campfire in the foreground and the waterfall in the background. So, it looks like the waterfall is cascading into the fire. Well, you need a little imagination also. And I know you have a terrific imagination.” “Who is this again?” She answered. “Oh, I’m sorry this is…no, let’s see if you remember me. I remember you. I think about you all the time. I remember we used to fantasize about all kinds of stuff.” She rolls over, her long blond hair gently rolling over the silk sheets.

“I remember we made up our own cartoons. Remember? We made clay figures. They had little bodies with big round heads. We would use our two thumbs to form the face making the eyes and nose all at once; and get this, they were from Pluto! “What are you on?” She answered. “I’m on Maui, didn’t I say? I love it here. I’m thinking of moving here permanently.” He leans back in his hammock watching as the full moon gently floats over the waterfall. There are only two clouds and they seem to be escorting the moon on its cosmic journey. Oh my God, she’s right, I do sound pretty goofy (talking to him-self). “You don’t remember? We also fantasized about owning our own island. We made charts of it including quicksand and pineapple groves and waterfalls. I guess that is why I’m calling.” He takes a sip out of his hollowed out pineapple drink. No umbrella though. This is the real deal. Carve out the pineapple, pour in the rum, add back some of the crushed pineapple and viola, tropical concoction. No ice, no frills.

“Looking back, those things might have seemed a little masculine. Boyish, you know, I mean for you. But, we also had our own line of clothes that we designed, puffy sleeves and all. And believe me, with four older brothers, woo. You talk about peer pressure. I still hear about that at every Thanksgiving and Christmas. My brothers were good for me. They toughened me up. But, they also laid the groundwork for being able to get away with anything. They set a good example on what not to do. Most people say, ‘learn from your mistakes’. But, I had the advantage of learning from their mistakes.”

“I remember you wore this blue sweater that was sort of  ‘close-fitting’. It was covered with white stars. I fantasized, privately, about that sweater with the stars being cut out of it; shame on me. I don’t think I liked girls back then. Well I guess I did.” She sits up. Looks at the clock and rolls her eyes back. She pulls the slinky sheets over her breasts. “What are you talking about?” she answered.

“I guess you don’t remember me. Boy, do I remember you. When I was in the Navy I wrote a story about us, sort of. May I read it to you?” “Do you have it with you?” she answered. “Oh, yeah. I wrote it a long time ago. Then it was lost. So when I found it some years later folded up in my “Walden” book, I said to myself that I would keep it with me always just in case. Since then I’ve been carrying it around, I’ve gone through four wallets and with each new one I print out a new copy. So, be patient and I’ll read it to you, it will only take a minute.”

“This morning was a beautiful awakening. You scrambled the eggs with cheddar cheese and I brewed some fresh ground Columbian coffee. I also sliced up some fresh fruit. We had breakfast on the back patio. The babblings of the Saint Francis fountain stereo’s with the finches on the feeder. Our old chocolate lab just lays there content knowing that playtime was coming soon. I read the Sports and you the Style section. I gathered and rinsed the dishes. You put away the leftovers. We settled back in to our lazy Sunday morning state. I look across the table through a bushy little gardenia. You glance back and wink. We silently agree a nap is in order. We snuggle and spoon until we doze off. The dreams we dream are coming true every day. Then, startled by the massive presence and the persistent licking of the face, we woke up.” 

“That’s you and I?” she answered. “I guess and maybe a chocolate lab. I was thinking of you when I wrote it. As I go through life I meet various people. Never have I met a more beautiful, smart and friendly person as you. I know we all change a little with time. And maybe you have changed a little to the negative nature, but how am I to know until we meet again.” “Do you want to meet?” she answered. “Hawaii is great all year round. But, I’m here now. Could you get away for a couple weeks? I’ll pick you up at the airport.”

“Who are you again?” she answered. “Oh, that’s right, I didn’t say. I’m Billy Robinson. I sat next to you in the fourth grade and coincidentally in the fifth grade also.” “My goodness. How did you find my number?” she answered. As she awakens she remembers a little more and more. A smile comes to her face as she reaches to remove the sleep from her eyes. “I ‘googled’ you. All I had to do was type in your name and city and viola, your phone number came up.” “Are you the same Billy ‘the Bully’ Robinson that knocked me down and stole my panties?” …Click!

“Hello… hello?”… He answered.




Survive or thrive

…What is this world coming to?

>Our home is yours.

Henry David Thoreau once said “Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights”. His best works were written when he was humble. But, he was not living in a shack his whole life, but, only a few years. The rest of his life he thrived. I always tried to be humble like HDT. I believe I could have been rich and famous if not for HDT. But, now I’m over the hill, I’m looking at a retirement plan or lack there of.

Some people inherited their money, some worked their butts off and some got lucky. It is very difficult to switch from a humble land surveyor making a descent living to someone trying to thrive. Not even thrive so much, but, just enough to make a comfortable retirement.

It may be too late to go back and finish college; plus that would cost a great deal and I am overly frugal. So, that will make it difficult to change professions. The new way to thrive is to get something #posted on the internet. My own website ( has failed to bring an agent to help me get off the ground. My ideas include paintings, stories, songs, phone apps, inventions, solutions to climatic change and houses so cheap it would house all those in concentration camps around the world trying to survive.

My retirement plan could be nullified if the 1% have their way to make the rich get richer and the poor more poorer. The 1% is thriving more than ever. They are the new royalty. Except they are fighting each other to see who can make the most money. When they should be fighting to be the most generous.

To thrive or survive?, that is the question.

The sky is whinin’

…Look at the hail rolling down the street-

>It’s not so clear, anymore.

Looking at the forecast for the next week you can plan ahead by guessing the weather will be the opposite of what the meteorologists claim. That is today’s weather summary.

This is more about global climate changing and not global warming. The predictability of the weather is getting more difficult all the time. The main culprit to this weather chaos is all the jetliners flying high speeds at high altitudes and high heat swirling and vortexing around countering the natural atmosphere. All of this combined changes the upper atmosphere’s barometric pressure.

The U.S. Postal Service utilizes flights by others. But, the whole world has a combined total of more than 100,000 flights a day. Fedex and UPS combine for approximately 40,000 flights per day; one third of all flights each day. Crazy huh? We could actually control the weather if we could control their flight patterns. That is, if we can control the routes that the airliners take. Instead of flights taking the shortest route they would take a route that would benefit a plan created by scientists. And we must immediately stop the flights going over the polar caps.

Traveling is great and getting there faster makes it more enjoyable. It may be necessary to travel less which is doable if necessary to save the world. But, worst of all are the package transporters who fly all over the place. Some delivering a dinner package overnight from New York to L.A.

Airliners in the upper atmosphere create heat and vortexes unnatural to normal earth systems. It’s like blowing a hairdryer into a fan. Throw water into that and you have a real mess.

The majority of flights utilize the jet stream to go with the flow and save some doe. That concentrates the turmoil.  Instead, perhaps the flights should be scheduled to fly in a web pattern which would evenly distribute the disruption.

If we could all work together the flights could be coordinated to add and subtract the necessary impact to neutralize the weather so it is the way it is supposed to be. Or we could actually utilize the jetliners to make the weather better for the necessary areas. If California is getting a little dry, flights could be rerouted to actually control the weather and give them a couple days of light rain. If every package didn’t have to be delivered the next day, those flights could be rerouted. The government needs to step in and first of all inspire colleges to research this theory. Once that is proven, it shouldn’t take long, create a committee that is not controlled by the airliner owners and have them evenly distribute the flight plans accordingly. By each airline given schedules, each will share responsibility and credit for saving the earth.

There once was a naval ship caught in a major storm in the Caribbean. The waves were larger than thirty feet. They were getting kicked around like a rubber duck in a kid’s bathtub. The captain got the bright idea to gather information concerning the barometric pressure in the general area. Who knows where he got this information. It was about the time when a computer was the size of an ice cream truck. He obtained a printout and it looked like a golf course contour map. The captain analyzed the data and saw a higher pressure system nearby. Having to continue to battle the storm the captain found his pocket of higher barometric pressure and he found safety. The waves were still large, but, the storm was about half as bad.

The point here is the jet engines in the upper atmosphere are also impacting the barometric pressure around the world. By manipulating the flight patterns and lowering the amount of air travel, #packaging, the weather can be manipulated and changed in our favor. Our favor, means the world’s favor. This isn’t just for the United States of America, but, for all. This is for the future of the world.

Jets flying in the upper atmosphere change the temperature and barometric pressure shifting air upwards. And by several jets flying in a clockwise direction at a radius of about 20 miles could create it’s own high pressure system. Add that to your weather model and see what happens. It can help divert a low pressure system like Hurricane Marie from hitting an island directly like Puerto Rico. Look at all the forest fires in California. It is creating it’s own high pressure system. So much so it is diverting the jet stream which is very rare.

The sky is cryin’ because the upper atmosphere is being ripped apart. When the upper atmosphere is naturally 60 degrees below zero and the jet exhaust is over 1,200 degrees above zero, who could argue?

Next read: flying-for-freedom

The Wave

…a good morning hello-

>Ride the wave.

Imagine going to a sporting event and the crowd starts doing the wave. Perhaps the announcer instigates the crowd or maybe just one fan stands up and throws his arms in the air and his neighbor joins in and his/her neighbor joins in. And before you know it the whole stadium is doing the wave. The wave circles around the arena like a swirl of pea soup in a big melting pot. The jersey one is wearing does not matter nor the color of their skin. We are not here to judge one. We are here to have fun. Do the wave. Sing the National Anthem. Enjoy the event.

Walking down the road, just minding your own business a bicycler approaches. Letting loose of the handlebars the bicycler raises a hand and waves. It is dangerous to ride a bike with one hand. What if they were to hit a pot hole. That could send them flying. Instead the bicycler kept on going like it was nothing.

Once at an inn on the southern end of the Black Forest there were a couple tourists. They were coming downstairs for breakfast when a fellow tenant exclaimed ‘moggin’ and then another and another. Before you know it everyone has greeted the latest patron that came down the stairs. Guess what happened next. Another tenant came down and it started all over again. With all the ‘moggin-moggins’ going around the place sounded like a chicken coup. There was one person who chose not to speak, but, they did wave.

Laying on the beach, a good rest is necessary. After building the most luxurious sand castle with a mote and flags one needs the rest. One also has to stand guard to prevent silly children from accidentally crashing into it. Absorbing sunlight and converting it to vitamin D is also necessary. Then calling from the beautiful beach house a wave from the spousal unit. What could she want? All I asked her to do was to wave when the high tide was coming in.



Dan’s Date Stamp

…an app for the ages.

This app idea reinvents “safe sex”. But, because the expense of building an app it can’t be built yet. But, when this goes viral it may even become a requirement just like the requirement for car insurance. Youths sixteen and over will be required to download and sign up.

The purpose of this application is to allow anyone, including college students, movie stars, professional athletes and politicians to register themselves before having sexual intercourse and indicating that they agree to have sex. Of course all registries information will be confidential. By registering and entering their private and confidential password they agree the sex they are about to indulge in is purely consenting. This will eliminate many “date rape” allegations and protect those that want consensual sex from worrying about future allegations. Also, by taking the time to login and enter the secret password it will allow all parties the time to reconsider having sex. And if alcohol is involved, requiring the password to be entered will also require consciousness.

DansDateStamp is a temporary name. Perhaps it could be called “Dad’s Date Stamp”. The idea of this app, which can be considered a sexual contract, is for the protection of both parties engaged in a sexual encounter. In today’s society people are being accused of non-consensual sex. Some accuse others of rape. With this app both parties agree to have sex and this information is stored in a secure database. This app is for the benefit of both parties. In addition to the storage of this information for future needs, two individuals initially decide to have safe sex and even repeat customers (all participants can return to their app with a private password) still have to go to the app, initialize the DATE STAMP and go through the last chance to change their mind. This app makes “safe sex, safer”.

And there will be no bragging rights.  The information won’t be accessible by any Internet hackers. An email will be sent to each participant and what they want to do with their privacy is up to them.

With the development of this app more functions can be added such as listings of preferences, communicable diseases, etc. The only ones that don’t want this app are the ones who don’t respect other’s needs. In addition to those people who care about no one but themselves. So many people now regret not having information about people whom they slept with. Image a sailor having a girl in every port without casting thy bread upon the water. That is, some people are in it just for the fun of it and don’t care about the results. Though it is fun there is an extreme amount of responsibility that goes with it. With this app both parties have to take responsibility.

A Beautiful Awakening

…Wishing every-one the same-

>Clouded river.

   This morning was a beautiful awakening.  The glowing Sun was peaking over the sparkling prairie.  Dew drops in this morning to bead sprinkles on the clover.  The morning glory is climbing for joy.  I should also mention the chipper of a couple lovebirds outside my window.  For a new day is here and Mother Nature delivers to the world all her peace and beauty for those who wish to enjoy it.

My jeans still reflect the sunshine’s freshness from yesterday’s sunbath.  They feel just like a thick layer of skin.  No, I imagine they feel just as the layer of a leaf that once sheltered a flowering bud.  My jeans slide into place.  Then on comes the long sleeve baseball shirt with a design that resembles a thought born on a boring day.  I yield to a pair of semi-matched white sox and then continue with no despair.  My tenny shoes are well broken-in.  Yet, they still add a little bounce to my step as if I need one.

Breakfast consists of toasted wheat bread, peanut butter and Mama’s homemade jelly, and an ice cold glass of milk.  Fruit is good, maybe even a couple of orange and grapefruit slices, better yet a bundle of white seedless grapes bobbling in a bowl of chilling water.  Satisfied were my stomach’s needs and fulfilled are my desires with no contempt to any other part of me.

Then I am off and away.  Flying one of the few contraptions made by man that seems fit for existence.  Down by the river I take a bike ride to the park.  The trees shudder to a gentle breeze.  Flowers are revived in their beauty when the sunlight makes it possible for an array of colors to be transferred to my line of thought.  My eyes are warmed by such a miracle.

My eyes almost melt at another miracle of nature bathing in the river.  Honest is the warmth transfered to my soul.  I maintain control as I swoop in among the trees and shadows.  A greeting is exchanged to continue the conversation from the night before.  The subject does not matter.  For friends talk of the weather and a change of a couple degrees would fill two books of notes and tales.

At last man and his mate flow together.  A river flows in the same manner.  Nothing is perfect.  Yet, nothing is as spectacular.  And so it continues with nothing to intervene.  This river of love never ends; it just keeps on flowing.

And so it happened a long time ago. It has been requested that I continue this story, but, I can not ruin a good thing. Use your imagination and try to remember some of the best times you had. You can also remember some of your favorite movies,  plays or other stories that you like for anything (positive) that you enjoyed. Then send me a million dollars!



Pea green people

…In a melting pot-

>Melting colors.

The year is 2020, a year of clear vision. Earth will be of the same dimensions: spherical, short and fat. It will be of a different color though. Not white or black, yellow, green, blue, orange or lavender. Not a color that you can comprehend or that you are ready for today. It is LOVE, a new color never seen before in such a magnitude.

There will be some rich and some poor because they won’t begin to see until about 2020 when vision will not be obscured and we will have the kettle brewing. There may be some individuals that won’t indulge like the Neanderthal,  though, they will be few and far between. Mischling is the way to go.

You can see it now, the walls are coming down. People will migrate or immigrate to foreign lands, foreign cultures and they will diversify. To choose a mate of a completely opposite culture will mold two figures into one, their offspring will do the same. There will be no fighting over race, creed, religion or power. When people will work together and have no differences in social thought. And then wealth will be nothing more than a burden like gold on a life-raft. No one born with more than a billion than anyone else and all having the same career and educational opportunities.

Governments are singularly in cause and plural only in ideas of how to provide more oneness in its people. The United States of America is a small experiment. The real melting pot is the earth. The ingredients are everybody and open mindedness. What color will the soup be? Who cares, it could be pea green and it wouldn’t make a difference, because everybody will be the same color. There will be the exceptional beast, but, they will be killing each other off by greed and prejudice, the same killing diseases we have today.

Don’t be one of those that can’t listen to reason because of a mental affliction. Nor be green with envy, yet be green from being scooped out of the melting pot.


Picture yourself

…it’s you or your phone-

>Picture yourself, not your phoney.

People around the world are being drawn into the web. Don’t let it take control over you. There are many forms of addiction. But, if you simplify it, it isn’t an addiction, but more like a craving out of control. Break it down and it is just a desire. If you are drawn in, try weaning yourself a little at a time.

Everybody has that little angel on one shoulder and devil on the other. There are so many temptations out there. The worst part is they take advantage of those with desires. Software giants purposely create programs that draw you in. Doctors will prescribe medicines either that you don’t really need or doses which are too large. The insurance companies are in cahoots with them. Now marijuana comes in the form of candy. These are all lures to make money for those that don’t need it. Homeless people don’t sell drugs. They are trying to survive. It’s the rich trying to get richer.

There are many natural temptations out there you just don’t hear about. But, you don’t hear about someone overdosing on apples. Though you can eat so many you can get overweight. You can drink a gallon of water in less than four minutes, but, you will get sick. In spite of what your older siblings tell you.

Because you want something doesn’t mean you have to have it. Or that you deserve it. Or that it will be good for you. Controlling your urges or desires is the best thing you can and should do for yourself. In your early years people around you try to teach you right from wrong. They hit you or screamed at you as punishment trying to prepare you for your future. The worst is when they say they are “disappointed in you” especially your father. Some may take all that advice and reverse it just for spite. Some learn from their mistakes and some learn from other’s mistakes. Others learn from the news agencies stating other’s mistakes and the prices they pay.

You are in control of yourself. Don’t let the phone, tablet or computer suck you in. Like a kid addicted to games. You are stronger. Put yourself on a phone diet. Don’t answer a text as soon as you get it unless your are expecting one. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “hey, I’m good looking” before your mom calls and tells you to go to bed.

Debate on debate

…Two sides to every story-

>lure in debait.

Two people are sitting on a park bench. One says to the other ‘what do you think about the President’. The other person falls off the bench and rolls around on the ground laughing.  No, that was a joke. The other person says ‘where will this debate take us’.

These two can share their opinions until the cows come home or they can go as far as physical violence.  And yes, they can also agree…anyways. People have all kinds of notions.  Some are based on facts according to Webster,  Britannica or some stupid computer website. Or some are opinions based on their upbringing being either school or home. But, these opinions cannot be based on something totally out of this world such as the weather conditions on a planet swallowed up by a black hole. That is impossible.  Yet, that may very well be the only thing nondebatable.

You hear someone say they are one hundred percent sure. They are usually ninety nine percent wrong. Not wrong about whatever they were debating,  but, wrong about using the term one hundred percent.  You can be so sure the light switch will turn on the light, but, you can be wrong if there is a bad wire, the light bulb is burned out or simply the house doesn’t have power. You can go to the horse races, but, if you think you are a hundred percent sure there, you will lose.

When debating one must stand by their beliefs, but, also should listen to the other and put themselves in their shoes. Those shoes may be of the wrong size, color or maybe the wrong odor. But, by placing yourself in their shoes you may feel the way they feel. You may also change your mind and agree with them. That is if you are capable of changing your mind. Some will argue even if they know they are wrong.

Some people debate as a contest. They want to win. It doesn’t matter the subject. Yelling to be heard doesn’t make your side of the debate correct. Bullying is unnecessary.  You may not agree with this article, but, don’t throw it away. You may change your mind.



…shaping the homes of tomorrow-

>Simplifying a child’s dream.
Millions of people are homeless. What if there was a way to make affordable houses for the majority. The saying was ‘people is glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones’. Of course they shouldn’t throw stones because people would throw them back and destroy your house. But, what if they were made of translucent plexiglass. No rock can hurt that. The difficult part is to dig the basement. That is, since the rest of the house is so easy. The idea is to create dome houses with a large fan and liquid plexiglass. It’s as easy as blowing a bubble with bubblegum.
1st, build a circular track that is connected like a Christmas tree railway track.
2nd, connect a very large bladed fan to said track
3rd, cover with a wire mesh similar to chain link fence
4th, cover that with a fine fabric or tarp
5th, spray or pour a liquid fiberglass over entire circle
6th, turn on the fan

7th, allow the air to push up the tarp & plexiglass, once it reached its designed peak, continue the air at a constant rate until the plexiglass has dried.

Which, that is only the beginning.  There are additional ideas on the entrance doors and windows. Once the design is ironed out or inflated, maybe three houses could be built per day.

And looking towards the future this dome construction will be perfect for life on the Moon. There will be greater uses and variations.  Instead of a dome which is 1/3 the area of a sphere some could be the shape of a cylinder with a dome on the top of it sort of like a silo. Once people realize that Mars is way too far to inhabit. The Moon will become the new Miami Beach which will most likely be under water by then.

Non Responsible Americans

…arms on the table-

>Lay down my arms.

It is difficult to tell people they cannot protect themselves. Let the police protect you. That is why they are there. It is not like the government is going to go Nazi on us. No matter who is president.

It is so difficult to convince someone of anything that has been passed down from generation to generation. The way these minds think are logical from their perspective.  Imagine growing up and your parents tell you to stay away from dogs. They teach you to walk on the other side of the road. Never stick your hand out. And run if they come close to you. Or maybe shoot them if they come close to you. What if that person were to go to another country or state or town where they love dogs. Where dogs are all over the place running through the streets,  jumping on people and licking them. Does that person pull out a gun and start shooting every dog they see? Hopefully not. But, it must be confusing for them. If told in advance that dogs were nice, would they be able to convince themselves that it would be all right. What if even though all the dogs were fun loving beauties this person still resisted and still hated them? Could anyone convince this person of anything or will they forever stand by what they were taught and not budge a bit?

Now days the only good thing guns are for is shooting at a practice range.  Some guns shoot t-shirts into a crowd. Some are used to scare crows from the corn field. Some people were brought up with guns in their family. They think guns are common and are safe when stored in a good place. And in general they are correct. But, then comes the exception. A kid finds a gun in the closet and accidentally kills somebody. This is so tragic it makes up for the thousands that don’t happen.

There are businesses that stand to make a lot of money by selling weapons.  And there are their contacts who pay government officials to do whatever they request. But, those same businesses are making a killing with weapons of war such as billion dollar jets. One theory is the 1%, #royalty are racing to see who can make the largest deductibles on their taxes without showing them on their non-audited taxes.

Some people just want attention.  And boy if you gun down thirty innocent people you are bound to be over spotlighted.  The news industry has to jump all over it and repeat the same story over and over. And that is a shame. Both of you get the attention you were aiming for and the news gets a story for weeks until someone else gets the attention. Children sometimes seek attention and it is understood why they get it. Because they are so cute. Why do grown people need that much attention is a question for everyone to ask themselves. Try standup comedy.

Is it possible America has 75 times more gun killings a year than the majority of the free world countries? And every time a killing spree happens gun sales go up? Is that fake advertising?

Non-responsible Americans, #NRA are laughing at America and the world. Their goal is to bring chaos to America;  to separate us from our own brothers.  What other use do we have for guns and weapons of mass destruction is for you to ask yourself. ‘How long will this go on?’ our politicians should ask their children.

Afterthoughts: some people like killing animals, when I was growing up my brother killed a cardinal with a bb-gun and boy did he get a spanking for that one and I guess I would eat deer meat if given to me