Pokin’ Da’ Bears

…if you don’t poke me! When one apposing country sends a balloon type object into the air of its rival it is called “poking the bear”. Meaning that one is trying to get the other all riled up and start a fight. Does anyone really poke a bear? How stupid is that. In nature maybe […]

Does money grow on trees?

Do you have 50 bucks? Give it to me and I’ll give you 50 thousand! Thanks, but, I need 200 more before I can give it to you. No reely? (This is a good start for the use of my license plate “REELY”) You can hook them, but, can you reel them in? I once […]

I. I. I. – Is It Impossible?

Impossible to have 3 eyes? IS IT IMPOSSIBLE… Is it impossible that Russia is in the “Arms” racket? How much money will be spent to fight a war? Soldier lives don’t matter! Are these world leaders only in it for the money? Is it impossible that Putin, worth 80 billion, only wants his ego to […]

9-10 vs 9-11

In memory of our losses This “carving” I carved six months to the day after 9-11. I actually had a tree stump looking for a purpose. Anyways, I was born on September tenth and after my birthday in 2001, I was very disappointed (like my dad always thought of me). My point is: do we […]

Bully From Day One

Toro, Toro, toro, imagine laying on the ground and looking up Being the youngest of five children I was spoiled by some which lead to bullied by the others. I assume each went thru that same paradox. I for one remained spoiled. And some remained bullies. It’s like those beginning years stay with you. Bullies […]

Ignorent Internat

Learning not to be a sucker? Stupid internet starts off on the wrong foot. Or perhaps doesn’t have a fake leg to stand on. Many people request “guugle-it” whenever they require a quick fact. It used to be you had to look it up in the encyclopedia. Before that you just had to make up […]


The best web host, as far as I know Advertising or commercials, same thing? Reely? I don’t know why I hate commercials so much. Maybe because I don’t like being interrupted watching a movie or golf. I have already written an article about how “playing thru” (golf playin-thru yucks) drives me crazy. My blog doesn’t […]

Golf playin-thru yucks

Putting green and allll I love watching golf. I sit in my backyard and watch it from a medium-sized screen TV. I have a dish network that allows me to record and play back my golf. That way I can fast forward thru the commercials. But, now they have “playing through” where they show a […]

Paradise is my backyard

My lot is 1/5 of an acre. 1/3 of that is my backyard. That sounds small and it actually is. But, what if you had that all to yourself? Can you say “mancave”. That is what it is like for most of the year. And northern Virginia has the luxury of 4 seasons. During football […]

Knight, some nights

>Does it make you think? …Ali of thoughts Have you ever wondered what someone else was thinking? Mostly you look at them and their facial expression and you semi-immediatly know what they are thinking. You go to a fast food place with your kid and you look up at the menu and you look over […]

Comin’ out of the Chartroom #closet

Hey! Knucklehead…Close the door! The navy really was an adventure. I joined bootcamp on my 18th birthday. I had to get out of Memphis. My superior joked at me.  We had to shit, shower and shave in 10 minutes. Me, having never shaved before, cut myself a few times. He joked that most recruits don’t […]

A prison not my own

Today is my lucky day. I was released from a mental institution and ready for a glass of wine. I’m not sure why I was put in there. I didn’t hurt anyone. Maybe I was mean to my wifee? But all wives deserve a little poking otherwise they would dominate you. Not spousal abuse; just […]

Made in China

…sold in the U.S.A Everybody buys the cheap stuff from China. But, what they don’t know is the cheap stuff won’t last for long. It’s called planned obsolescence. The guts inside a toilet will break or trick you into thinking it is broken. And you can’t let the toilet run all day. China makes everything […]


…little birdies in one round of golf->A gander of gosling. Playing golf is fun. It is challenging and offers a lot of exercise. I mostly enjoy being partnered with others, it’s called ‘walking on’. When you get partnered with others whom you haven’t met makes it very interesting. Then I get to recycle my jokes […]


…remember me- >Photo from Washington Post Magazine story contest. “Hello?” she answered. “Hi, you probably don’t remember me, but”… replied in a raspy yet innocent tone. “We were in the fourth and fifth grade together.” “What time is it?” She answered. “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s nine-o’clock there I think. It’s four in the morning here […]

A Beautiful Awakening

…Wishing every-one the same- >Clouded river.    This morning was a beautiful awakening.  The glowing Sun was peaking over the sparkling prairie.  Dew drops in this morning to bead sprinkles on the clover.  The morning glory is climbing for joy.  I should also mention the chipper of a couple lovebirds outside my window.  For a […]

An Orchard where kindness grows

…hold the fertilizer- >A Jewish Settlement (World peace is possible). There is an urgent need for people to settle down and come to terms. The Republicans and Democrats can’t come to terms; neither can the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s nor the Capulet’s and Romeo’s family. The American athletes and sports teams owners are willing to throw […]

Friendly Reminder

For what is a friend? To be or not to be… Most everybody seeks help or attention. Some pay with money, others pay with time. Friends pay with time. But it is mostly mutual. Friends take care of friends. They listen to each other. They help each other as much as they can. They are […]