Bald or Handsome

Hats for Showers
Hat for Showers

Many men out there don’t want baldness. There may be a method to stop baldness. I used to be in the Navy and we whore hats all the time. Whether dixie cups or baseball caps.

I was in Helsinki, Finland and our ship pulled into the dock and all of these Finnish citizens waved and requested sailors hats (I have never seen before). And me, after completing the log, I went out on deck and this gentleman asked for my hat. And I said I would trade him with his. I still have that hat today. (Look up)
And after the navy I wore baseball caps because I worked outside land surveying. So, I started collecting hats of my favorite teams and bands and any free ones.
Then I noticed my frontal lobe was getting thin. My first thought was that I was just growing old. Then, being brilliant,  I thought it was getting thin because of the hats. They heat up your frontal lobe to stay warm. And it works. But, if you don’t want to go bald you may not want to wear them.
So, I quit wearing hats. Then I thought about how primitive man lived his life without taking hot showers. He didn’t.  He had to take cold showers. So, I didn’t start taking cold showers rrrrr. But, I started the shower with cold water, because that is the first thing you get if you don’t waste hot water. Then I wash my scalp and shampooing at first. Then I clean the rest of the body in hot water. Then when all is clean, I rinse the hair in cold water again.
I truly believe it works. Even in my steambath; I get in when it’s hot, but I use the cold water to rinse my head and then I add conditioner and then sit and enjoy the steam. Then after 15 minutes I pour part of my cold beer on my scalp and rub it in. Then when all is said and dumb, I rinse my hair again in cold water.
I do have a thin area above my frontal lobe, but, maybe if I started when I younger (#prenavy) I could be hairy?

There was a very funny tvshow “The Dick Van Dyke Show” with a name “I’d Rather Be Bald Than Have No Head at All” that is really reely funny!



Published by Daniel Shea

I am a happily married knucklehead. Born in Chicago and raised in Memphis and Prairie du Chien Wis. I wish someone would benefit from my ideas. And I wish I didn't get so many spams. #niceday