…little birdies in one round of golf->A gander of gosling. Playing golf is fun. It is challenging and offers a lot of exercise. I mostly enjoy being partnered with others, it’s called ‘walking on’. When you get partnered with others whom you haven’t met makes it very interesting. Then I get to recycle my jokes […]
Monthly Archives: July 2019
…and pick up that garbage- >Just a walk in the park. Exercise is the second way to live. First of course is eating. But, exercise is so easy. Try walking. I try to walk everyday in addition to normal life. I have a nice little park a few blocks away. There is a beautiful little […]
…remember me- >Photo from Washington Post Magazine story contest. “Hello?” she answered. “Hi, you probably don’t remember me, but”… replied in a raspy yet innocent tone. “We were in the fourth and fifth grade together.” “What time is it?” She answered. “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s nine-o’clock there I think. It’s four in the morning here […]
Survive or thrive
…What is this world coming to? >Our home is yours. Henry David Thoreau once said “Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights”. His best works were written when he was humble. But, he was not living in a shack his whole life, but, only a few years. The rest of his life he thrived. I […]
The sky is whinin’
…Look at the hail rolling down the street- >It’s not so clear, anymore. Looking at the forecast for the next week you can plan ahead by guessing the weather will be the opposite of what the meteorologists claim. That is today’s weather summary. This is more about global climate changing and not global warming. The […]
The Wave
…a good morning hello- >Ride the wave. Imagine going to a sporting event and the crowd starts doing the wave. Perhaps the announcer instigates the crowd or maybe just one fan stands up and throws his arms in the air and his neighbor joins in and his/her neighbor joins in. And before you know it […]
Dan’s Date Stamp
This app idea reinvents “safe sex”. But, because the expense of building an app it can’t be built yet. But, when this goes viral it may even become a requirement just like the requirement for car insurance. Youths sixteen and over will be required to download and sign up. The purpose of this application is […]
A Beautiful Awakening
…Wishing every-one the same- >Clouded river. This morning was a beautiful awakening. The glowing Sun was peaking over the sparkling prairie. Dew drops in this morning to bead sprinkles on the clover. The morning glory is climbing for joy. I should also mention the chipper of a couple lovebirds outside my window. For a […]
Pea green people
…In a melting pot- >Melting colors. The year is 2020, a year of clear vision. Earth will be of the same dimensions: spherical, short and fat. It will be of a different color though. Not white or black, yellow, green, blue, orange or lavender. Not a color that you can comprehend or that you are […]
Picture yourself
…it’s you or your phone- >Picture yourself, not your phoney. People around the world are being drawn into the web. Don’t let it take control over you. There are many forms of addiction. But, if you simplify it, it isn’t an addiction, but more like a craving out of control. Break it down and it […]
Debate on debate
…Two sides to every story- >lure in debait. Two people are sitting on a park bench. One says to the other ‘what do you think about the President’. The other person falls off the bench and rolls around on the ground laughing. No, that was a joke. The other person says ‘where will this debate […]
…shaping the homes of tomorrow- >Simplifying a child’s dream. Millions of people are homeless. What if there was a way to make affordable houses for the majority. The saying was ‘people is glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones’. Of course they shouldn’t throw stones because people would throw them back and destroy your house. But, what […]
Non Responsible Americans
…arms on the table- >Lay down my arms. It is difficult to tell people they cannot protect themselves. Let the police protect you. That is why they are there. It is not like the government is going to go Nazi on us. No matter who is president. It is so difficult to convince someone of […]
An ear for all colors
…listen up- >Color me deaf. Prejudice is mostly based on one’s vision. If you see someone of a pigment not of your own you immediately start analyzing this person’s whole life. Listen up; eighty percent of the time you are wrong (#fakenews). Imagine a little white boy growing up on the south side of Memphis. […]
An Orchard where kindness grows
…hold the fertilizer- >A Jewish Settlement (World peace is possible). There is an urgent need for people to settle down and come to terms. The Republicans and Democrats can’t come to terms; neither can the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s nor the Capulet’s and Romeo’s family. The American athletes and sports teams owners are willing to throw […]
Best MOM
…ever! >Painted by Grandma Brunner. She really was the best ever. At least most of her children believe it is true. She raised five wonderful kids all by herself. She did hire a maid occasionally to help around the house. But, for such a small house it wasn’t totally necessary, except don’t forget about the […]
Two percent too much
…you do the math- >Being generous is not too bad. Republicans versus Democrats is today’s fare. ‘Who are you for’ is the greatest question of today. You have a choice. You may choose Republicans based on your belief, since they are the better of the two parties. Republicans did not win this election on their […]
Flying for Freedom
…get ready for the ride of your life- >Not contrails but barometric pressure. We can actually control the weather if we put our heads together and sacrifice what is actually causing the inconsistent weather. It all begins with airliners heating up the upper atmosphere. When airliners are shooting exhaust at a temperature of about 1,700 […]
The Jerk Alerter
…Ump, there it is- >Mountable device. Imagine sitting at a bar and having a nice refreshing brew. And then comes in your boss from the office. He comes over and starts bullying you. Now do you really have to take it? Are you afraid of losing your job? Well, not anymore. Now there is a […]
Headlights On
…for all the world to see. >Reely looking forward; brilliant idea! It is understandable why people don’t want to waste energy with their headlights on all the time. When it is a beautiful day outside, not a cloud in the sky and you are going for a Sunday drive through the country. That is […]